Route to Wonosobo

With a nature condition which dominated by mountain, the transportation to go to Wonosobo is just land transportation. There was a train goes to Purwokerto so many years ago, but now only a rail that left.
From Semarang
In Terboyo Bus Station there are many buses which serve Semarang - Purwokerto route via Wonosobo. The distance is about 120 km with 3, 5 hours travelled distance. The route is (Semarang-Ungaran-Bawen-Ambarawa) - (Secang-Temanggung-Parakan) - (Kertek-Wonosobo).
From Surakarta (Solo)
Even though there’s no many bus go to Wonosobo directly, there is some bus which serve this route. You can get this bus at Tirtonadi Bus Station with Solo-Purwokerto route via Wonosobo. The distance is about 180 km with 6 hours travelled distance. The route is (Solo-Kartasura) - (Boyolali-Ampel) - (Salatiga-Bawen- Ambarawa) - (Secang-Temanggung-Parakan) - (Kertek-Wonosobo).
From Magelang
The route from Magelang is the busy traffic to go to Wonosobo. There is a bus every 10 minutes which come and go. The last bus goes at 7 pm from Magelang Bus Station. The distance is about 65 km with 2 hours travelled distance. The route is: (Magelang-Secang) - (Temanggung-Parakan) - (Kertek-Wonosobo).
From Yogyakarta
There’s no direct route from Yogyakarta to Wonosobo. But, because the route Yogyakarta - Magelang - Semarang is so easy, automatically travel from Yogyakarta to Wonosobo becoming easy too. From Umbulharjo Bus Station, or from Jombor Bus Station, you can go with bus to Magelang and stop at Magelang Bus Station, and then continue travel to Wonosobo. The distance is about 120 km with 3, 5 hours travelled distance. The route is: (Yogyakarta-Sleman-Tempel) - (Muntilan-Magelang), and then follow route from Magelang.
From Purwokerto
In this route, bus come and goes every 10 minutes. There is a bus which serve Purwokerto-Wonosobo route and also there is a bus which serve Purwokerto-Semarang route via Wonosobo. You can get this bus at Purwokerto Bus Station. The distance is about 120 km with 3 hours travelled distance. The route is: (Purwokerto-Sokaraja) - (Purbalingga-Bukateja) - (Klampok-Banjarnegara) - (Selomerto-Wonosobo).
From Jabodetabek
There are so many buses who serve this route. You can get it at Pulo Gadung, Kampung Rambutan, Bekasi, Lebak Bulus, Cimone, Merak and Bogor Bus Station. With 520 km distance, the bus goes at 5 pm and stop in Wonosobo before dawn.